Friday, May 8, 2009

Versus = WTF!!!

Someone PLEASE help me out with this one... Okay for the second time in as many games, the NHL has scheduled two playoff games on the same night one half hour apart. I can understand that, of course, as all teams involved are east coast teams. Sure no one wants a game to start at 9:30... I do get that. For cyrin’ out loud, show the frickin’ games though.

I live in the DC metro area, so naturally, I’m going to see the Caps regardless. Versus has the NHL contract, so I understand they have the rights to the NHL playoff games. For the local games here in DC though, the local sports channel shows the game...okay, fully understandable, they want in on the cash cow that is NHL broadcasting. What I absolutely do not get is that when the local sports channel shows the Capitals game, Versus blocks out the channel; completely blocks it out!

I know for an absolute fact, with today’s television technology, they have the ability to show one game in one area and another in a different viewing area. In fact, now that the Caps game has just ended, VS will now show the remaining half hour of the Boston v Carolina game...WTF is that!?

Please tell me why they cannot give up the right to the local game to the local sports station and show the remaining game. You can explain to me about money and rights, bla bla bla. You cannot, however, convince me it’s better for the league to one, schedule two out of two playoff games at the same time, and two, not show both of those games.

Someone gets an F for that one!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NHL Logos – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

In honor of the 2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs, I’ve compiled my top five seeds of NHL logos. And what would a top five list be without a bottom five to hit if off? For the sake of argument, I’ve added five mediocre logos as well.

The Good – Maybe the history, maybe the color, maybe just bad-ass!

5. The Original Six – although I’m not a fan of any of these six teams, I cannot argue the fact that these logos are time tested and still impress.

4. Montreal Wanderers – while most of the defunct teams of the early teens, Montreal at least had the wherewithal to roll with a W o
n a shield. Right on!

3. Colorado Rockies – thought by many to be ugly...I, on the other hand, see
70s classic! It’s got a blue mountain, a red C, and a little orange circle in the can you go wrong?

2. Kansas City Scouts – Not really PC, but this isn’t a politeness list, it’s a list of cool! A Sioux warrior scouting out the ice, planning for his next attack...yeah buddy!

1. Buffalo Sabres (Old School) – Not a surprise here, the Sabres logo is and
will always be the best logo of any sports team, of all time! Yes I said it... ALL TIME!

The Bad – Not necessarily ugly, but head scratchers nonetheless.

5. Dallas Stars – I’ve added the ole Stars because, well, I don’t like them first of all, s
ome should know why... and two because it just doesn’t make sense. You take a team from “hockey country”, Minnesota, rightly named the NorthStars, move them to Dallas, and drop the North. Senseless move, senseless name.

4. Quebec Nordiques – Intriguing at first,then again, not really sure what its supposed to be. Is it an elephant with a stick...a red hump with a stick? It’s just something else from the French we don’t understand?

3. California/Oakland Golden/Seals – Yeah... much like Al Davis’ Raiders, for cryin’ out loud, pick a name already! And, kind of cool, kind of weird, cute littl
e seal face on a bird-like shaped body thing going on... enough said.

2. Minnesota Wild –
This one would be on the Ugliest
but its creative if nothing else. A picture in a picture...ugly, yet cool, I guess.

1. Buffalo Sabres (2nd generation) – For reasons unknown, the Sabres
took the greatest jerseys/logos of all time, changed the colors to red and black, and decided to roll out with a big buffalo head... potential yes, execution no. Fail.

The Ugly – Not only ugly, but f-ugly!!!

5. Tampa Bay Lightening – I get it, Tampa, storms, lightening...but the logo sucks, plain and simple.

4. San Jose Sharks – triangle + stick-eating shark + horrible colors = recipe for a sucky logo.

3. Vancouver Canucks – Maybe one of the just plain ugliest of all
time...on par with the 70s/early 80s Houston Astros. They get the ultimate WTF!

2. Buffalo Sabres (current) – The most painful on the list...the Buffa-slug, snot-rocket,
Donald Trump’s hair. It has many names indeed, none of which are called awesome.

1. Anaheim Mighty Ducks – Worst franchise in history, meet worst logo in history! A team that never should have been. Yes they’ve had success, but they’ve got to go!